Who’s ready to quit Tinder (and Bumble and Hinge and all the rest) and find true happiness in the wild? Online dating is a drag, and has only been made harder in the times of the ongoing COVID pandemic. There has to be an easier, less stressful way to meet your match without swiping through hundreds of strangers.
Fostering a pet is a perfect way to make a serious difference, while also avoiding all the misery of wading through your DM’s. Not convinced? Well, here are 10 of the best reasons to give up swiping and start fostering today!
1) Will Move at your Pace:
Not sure you want to commit to a long-term relationship? That’s okay! Fostering an animal offers many flexible options, from hanging out for a cup of coffee to becoming roommates for a few months. Fosters are simply thankful to finally have a comfortable couch and a steady stream of love to count on, and they will not pour undue pressure on you!

2) Always Punctual:
Tired of sitting at a bar, sipping on your third drink, still convinced Mr. Wednesday Night will come walking though the door? Your foster pet will be more than happy to welcome you at the door, and meet you at the table for all of your dinner dates. No more needing to awkwardly explain to the waiter that your date is just running 45 minutes late.
3) Won’t Ghost You:
Speaking of, what ever happened to Mr. Wednesday Night? Was it the awkward story of when you split your pants during the middle school play? Was it the broccoli in your teeth? With a foster pet, you’ll never have to worry about broken message threads. You’ll wake up every morning knowing exactly where you stand!
4) Always Interested in your Hobbies:
Crochet? Video games? Stamp collecting? Your foster pet will love to sit for hours and listen to the history of your 1852 lucky penny. Those loving eyes would love to hear more about the boss on level 18 of your latest RPG. Heck, they’ll even sit with you!
5) Would Love to Meet your Friends:
Forget about Becky’s tendency to drink too much chardonay on a Tuesday night! Your foster will happily velcro to every ear scratch and will soak in all the extra attention! And if you want to take things a step further, you also won’t have to worry about taking your foster home to mom!
6) Zero Expectations:
Marriage? Babies? Who needs that kind of pressure? Many foster programs (including ours) allow you to end your foster time whenever you have to. You have complete control over the length of your foster’s stay, and the only thing the pet asks for in return is your care for however long you can be together!
7) Down to Keep Things Casual:
The weather is getting colder, and sometimes all we want is a warm body to cuddle through the night. Guess what a foster can do? They would love to join you for some cuddles and ignore all those simply commitments.
8) Will Join for Every Netflix Binge:
Did we mention your foster will be down to keep things casual? Find a new show that you are about to waste your weekend? Grab that blanket and bowl of M&M’s and let the shows roll! Best yet, your foster will even let you pick what you watch!
9) Sincerely Means, “But I only want to Cuddle”:
Stop worrying about all the funny business! If you haven’t figured it out, your foster will love to snuggle up on a cold night and not leave you guessing about their intentions.

10) Emotionally Available:
Until now, we have talked about zero expectations and moving at your own pace. But what if love strikes? What if you want your temporary foster to become your forever pet? Great! Adoption is a wonderful and welcomed outcome to all of our foster placements, and we can walk you through the process of making your foster a permanent member of your family!
BONUS: You can foster a pet safely during COVID!
Resilient Hearts goes through many safety protocols to make sure you stay safe and healthy! Don’t worry about meeting in a crowded coffee shop or trying to yell at each other through masks. Fostering a pet is a safe way to make a difference and find companionship during these uncertain times.
Interested in fostering with Resilient Hearts? Sign up is easy, and there are plenty of flexible options to fit every lifestyle. Visit our foster page to find out more!
Stay up to date with Resilient Hearts by following us on Facebook and Instagram!
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